Madison Middle School 2021 Welcome Letter

August 18, 2021

Dear Madison Middle School Families,

This summer all Lenawee County Schools are transitioning from the Student Information System (SIS), Eschool, to a new SIS called Infinite Campus.  As a result, the Home Access Center is not available to students and families at this time.  Middle school students may pick up their schedule and locker assignment beginning Friday, August 20th through Thursday, August 26th from 8:30am – 3:30pm.  Crowd levels will be smaller during this time.  In addition, schedules and locker assignments can be picked up at an Open House on Tuesday, August 24th from 5:30pm – 7:00pm, as well as the first day of school.

Each student will be assigned a laptop the first day of school.  An annual Technology and Textbook Fee of $25 will be assessed to all students grades 6-12 before they are assigned a device or textbook.  This fee can be paid using your MySchoolBucks account.  Questions regarding MySchoolBucks can be directed to Dawn Opsal in Central Office at .

 This fee will cover the following:  

  • Normal textbook/library book wear and tear 
  • Routine device maintenance (battery and hardware replacement, etc.) 
  • A maximum of two accidental device damage repairs (cracked screen, broken keys, etc.) 

Madison School District will continue to utilize the Canvas learning management system.  Parents and guardians can request a Canvas observer account in order to support students’ learning.   A Canvas observer account is linked to a child’s Canvas account and allows a parent or guardian to view learning materials and assignments a teacher has posted for that student.

To request a Canvas parent/guardian observer account, follow the link below to a Google form:

We are looking forward to welcoming students back the first day of school on August 30th. The building opens at 7:15am with classes beginning at 7:50 am.  Let’s build great relationships this year.


Madison Middle School Team

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