Welcome to the Madison Great Start Readiness Preschool Program
About the Great Start Readiness Preschool Program
Madison offers a Preschool program through the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP). This State-funded program is available to students who are four years old before September 1. The goal is to provide a high-quality preschool experience that will prepare a child socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically ready for Kindergarten.
Madison’s preschool is a full-day GSRP program taught by a certified teacher who is aided by two assistants. The adult to child ratio is 1:6 at all times. Transportation is provided for students who reside within the Madison School District.
Who is eligible?
Families interested in this program must live in Lenawee County. Enrollment for GSRP is based on age, income eligibility, and other factors established by the Michigan Department of Education. There is no cost for families who qualify.
The GSRP depends upon the support of parents. Parents should:
- see that their child has regular school attendance
- support their child’s learning with extended activities at home provided by the teacher
- gain an understanding of the expectations of your child’s progress toward Kindergarten readiness.
Application Information
- Please visit lenaweefreepreschools.org to submit the interest form.
- The GSRP office will then send you an application through the mail.
- Complete and send the application in the self-addressed envelope provided by GSRP, or deliver it to the GSRP Office at the Porter Center (2946 Sutton Road, Adrian, MI 49221).
- Someone from the GSRP Office will contact you concerning your eligibility.
Please note that children are not placed into the Preschool program on a “first come first serve basis,” but are prioritized by the family’s income and number of other risk factors.
Chelsea Enriquez, GSRP Director | 517-263-0744 ext. 501 |