
Information for users of our website:

Information on this website carries no express or implied warranties as to accuracy, timeliness, or appropriateness for a particular purpose; in addition, the Board disclaims owner liability for damages associated with user reliance on information provided at the site.


Visitors rely on information on the website at their own risk. Times and dates are subject to change and spectators or audiences are strongly encouraged to contact the school for the most recent schedule.


Regarding links to website outside the District:

Links to websites outside of the District or its server are included if they add information that may aid the user, and are included only as a public service. Every effort is made to verify that the links are educational in nature, and related to the District’s educational mission, but the Internet is dynamic and volatile, and web pages can change suddenly and rapidly. It is not unusual to find information or images that are objectionable. Inclusion of alink does not constitute endorsement by the District of that site, or of any third-party sites to which it may be linked. The user is advised that once you leave the District’s website, event through links included on these pages, you may encounter inappropriate, illegal, or inaccurate material. The District is not responsible for the content beyond its websites and District server(s), or for any fees associated with the use of an outside site. Proceed at your own risk.



The District has registered its domain name(s) for the purpose of exclusive Internet identification. The District asserts copyright, trademark, and/or other intellectual property rights in its domain name, district identification, district logo, and all content on the District’s website(s). All rights reserved. Outside parties, including parents, patrons, or outside organizations may not use District and/or school domain names in connection with the publication of web content. Under no circumstances shall any party use District and/or school domain names to promote political issues, causes, or candidates.

Contact Information
Madison School District welcomes comments regarding this disclaimer. Please convey any questions or concerns to:
Jill Myers, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
3498 Treat Highway, Adrian, MI  49221
phone: 517-265-1840
fax: 517-265-5635
email: Jill.Myers@madisonk12.us

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