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Welcome to Transportation and Maintenance

Welcome to Transportation and Maintenance

Madison School District strives to provide safe, timely, 
economical, and consistent transportation for our students. 

In the event of inclement early morning weather we will try to make our decision to delay or cancel school by 5:50 a.m.
Any decision to delay or close will be announced on the local radio stations and the Toledo television stations.
Information will also be sent via the district’s Infinite Campus notification system.

Bus Schedules

Bus Discipline

  • A strict disciplinary policy is in place to handle student misbehavior, which may lead up to suspension from the bus.
  • Parents are expected to supervise their children at bus stops.
  • Written permission from parent or guardian is required for students to be transported to destinations other then their home.



Bill O’Brien, Transportation & Maintenance Coordinator  
517-265-1845 ext. 133

Winter Weather, School Delays, and Closings


We have had a beautiful fall this year, but as residents of Michigan, we know that winter weather is just around the corner. With snow and ice headed our way, it is a good time to review our school delay and closing procedures. The Transportation Director and Superintendent jointly make the decision to delay or close school after travelling district roadways to determine if it is safe for our buses to operate. We also watch local news channels to stay on top of the most up to date weather forecasts.

The decision to remain open, delay, or close is usually a difficult one, but it comes down to one overriding factor—the safety of operating our buses on the roads in our school district.

Regardless of what other area districts decide, when we think it is safe for our buses to operate, Madison's schools will be open. The decision to close or delay school will be announced on local radio stations WABJ, WLEN, and WQTE, as well as Toledo television stations 11, 13, and 24. We will also utilize our Infinite Campus notification system and publish the information on the district website.

We never expect a parent to substitute our judgements for theirs on inclement weather days. Ultimately, it is the parents who should decide if it is safe for a child to attend school on an inclement weather day. If we decide to keep school open, parents can choose to send their child to school or keep them home.

If you do not believe it is safe for your children to attend school, please exercise your parental authority and keep your children home. We will respect that decision.

We also ask that you respect our decisions on mornings affected by weather. Be assured that while you may not always agree with the decision that was made, these decisions always involve a tremendous amount of thought and concern for the welfare and education of our students. Please note that perfect attendance awards are not impacted by a parents’ decision to keep a child home on an inclement weather day. If a child is not in school, they have to be marked absent, but the absence will not be counted against what is otherwise perfect attendance.