Welcome to the Nurse’s Office at Madison
If your student has a chronic medical condition or health concern, please reach out to the school nurse's office to discuss personal needs.
When your child is sick, please keep him/her home.
Keeping sick students at home means that they keep their illnesses to themselves rather than sharing them with others. If you aren’t sure if your child should stay home or attend school, you can refer to the information provided by MDHHS, the Lenawee County Health Department, the school handbook, your student’s primary care physician, or reach out to the school nurse for further clarification.
A student with a fever greater or equal to 100.4 degrees F., or a child with new onset vomiting or diarrhea will be sent home. Students with such symptoms shall remain home for at least 24 hours of fever breaking without the use of fever reducing medication, and at least 24 hours from the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea. Exception – a healthcare provider has determined the cause to not be infectious and such documentation is provided to school personnel.
Caitlin Braman, School Nurse, 517-263-0744 ext. 354
Action Plans
Hard copies of the action plans below are available in the school office:
- Medication Authorization Form
- Dietary Accommodation Form
- Asthma Action Plan
- Seizure Action Plan
- Severe Allergy Action Plan
Other health resources:
Treating Head Lice |
Learn About the Flu (CDC website) |
Immunization Schedule and Information (CDC website) |
Required Immunizations (State of Michigan, rev. May 2015) |
Immunizations for Teens (State of Michigan, rev. March 2014) |
Concussion Letter for Parents |