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Thank you for your interest in employment with Madison School District!

View job postings at Madison for the 2024-2025 school year below:

Elementary School

No open positions at this time.

Middle School 

Middle School Head Track Coach

Organize Practice plans/workouts


Organize Fundraiser

Organize Sweatshirt/Clothing order


Communicate with parents


Create/Enter lineups for meets


Manage a field event/help time at home HS meet


Begin Duties when Middle School season begins


Complete MHSAA required meetings/education


Maintain/Inspect facilities/equipment


Interested applicants please contact Mindy Jordan at and Josh Powers at 
Link to posting in Google Drive.

Middle School Assistant Track Coach

Assist in creation of workouts


Manage a field event/time at home HS meets


Assist in creating/entering lineups for meets


Begin Duties when MS season begins


Complete MHSAA required meetings/education


Maintain/Inspect facilities/equipment


Interested applicants please contact Mindy Jordan at and Josh Powers at 
Link to posting in Google Drive.

High School 

No open positions at this time.

Non-Instructional Positions

Food Service Employee(s)

The District is in need of multiple part-time food service employees to fill various roles.
Interested candidates please submit a non-teaching application to 

Bus Driver(s)

Interested applicants please contact Bill O’Brien at


The Paraprofessional provides assistance to teachers, and other school personnel, in the delivery of quality education and support services for students, in an array of classroom settings. The individual may be assigned to a self-contained classroom, multiple classrooms, or as a one-on-one with a student.  Interested candidates please submit a non-teaching application to

Interested in working as a Substitute Teacher?
Please apply using the following instructions:

  1. Go to Madison's page on the EDUStaff website.
  2. Near the top, click or tap the blue Apply Now button. 
  3. Create an EDUStaff account and follow the instructions as necessary.

Questions or concerns? Call EDUStaff at 877.974.6338