Recent Announcements & Events
If your child has purchased a #LANESTRONG t-shirt or bracelet, please have them wear it on Friday, February 14th to show love and support for Lane.
Additionally, as you help your child prepare their Valentines this week, consider addressing an extra one to Lane. Thank you!
Did you know you can improve your child’s attendance by reducing late arrivals and early checkouts? Every minute counts toward learning.
Below are links to the weekly updates and newsletters from each school building:
Early Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School
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Madison PAC Performing Arts Center, 3498 Treat Hwy, Adrian, MI 49221, USA
Points of Pride
Student to Teacher Ratio
School of Choice
Top 10%
Madison Middle School named Top 10% "Best Middle Schools in Michigan"
US News & World Reports
Dual Enrollment Opportunities
available through multiple universities